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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Celebrating today with so much gratitude in my heart. As we eat our dinner and spend time with our families...

Veteran's Day

Happy Veteran's Day friends! We had an amazing weekend filled with so many joys and celebrations to be grateful for. Our family enjoyed...

A Soccer Star is Born (sorta)

This fall we completed our first year of soccer league and this little lady had a blast. Currently she is in love with soccer. Thinks...

Summer Sunflowers

My sweet family took a quick adventure this summer to a local sunflower patch and it was dreamy. I'm thinking back on nights like that...

McKenna 6 Months

Miss McKenna had her 6 Month photo session and it was such a beautiful evening. That sunset did not disappoint and gave us the most...

Megan and Kyle

The evening of this couple's maternity shoot was a sweet memory made. We shot on location at their farm north of Kansas City. I've known...

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